Here we go again. I am starting with a few obsevations in Singapore this time around. Here we have a bike which obviously doesn't get ridden enough. At least they were thinking ahead and took the seat with them so no one would want it.

I know it's some kind of bike but how do you ride it?

Not too sure what this is either

The fan-chopper, or is it helifan

A future superhero for Singapore, Super Singapore Man. As soon as mom lets go of his hand look out criminals that fist he is sucking on is his main super power.

We went for a tour of an area called Fort Canning and low and behold I found out the history of Singapore was told in a comic book layout

This explains the future super hero's that are seen around here.

Barbara is very impressed. She is probably wondering if Lucas will want to do a show on the history of Singapore using computer animation.

And this is the are we finished yet look.

Roman with his serious "yes I am listening" look. Every time the guide would look our way he would nod in agreement. Must come from all the boring business meetings he attends. Its a natural reflex now. He probably does this in his sleep.

One of the things about Singapore that I find very interesting is the fact that people seem to be able to sleep anywhere. On sidewalks, at tables in the hawker centers, and the middle of parking garages. Here the guy is having a little rest on a sidewalk in the park.

This is the Thaipusam Festival. Thaipusam actually celebrates the birthday of the Hindu deity Subramaniam. On this occasion, Hindus show the sincerity of their faith. It is a time for making and fulfilling vows. Devotees pray for divine help and make vows. When their prayers are answered, they fulfil their vows.
To do this, a devotee would pierce his cheeks, tongue, face or other suitable body parts with sharp objects. Next his friends or relatives load a *
kavadi on his shoulder. Finally, in a trance-like manner, he goes on a 4km journey of faith.
Others, including young children, might join the procession carrying only milk pots. The Thaipusam Singapore
procession starts at the
Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple on Serangoon Road and ends at the
Sri Thandayuthapani Temple on Tank Road.

This guy is like Robin Hood. Whenever one of the devotees looked like he wasn't going to make this guy would pull out one of his skewers and POW shoot one through their lip and wake them up.

This guys was hopping around the whole time. I guess it helps keep them going or it show more devotion or something. All I know is those things are heavy and pull like hell each time he jumps up and down.

This line stretched for ever and went on from 6 in the morning until midnight.

So this guy is Mr hard core. He's puling the alter. I don't know how many people do this but it nuts. Hes got the major hooks in him back and a guys on the other end of the ropes pulling back

Crazy. You can just see the guy with the ropes wrapped around his hands and the alter behind him.

The high tech sound system imported from India for its sound quality.

Those are like shark hooks or something. The wildest thing is there wasn't a drop of blood shed

Here we are at the end of the procession where the devotees take the Kavadis off.

I totally expected to see water spewing from a million different holes in this guys body like in cartoons

Wild. They take the skewers out, they guy gets a sip of water a little milk and off they go.

For Gio all he want for christmas is some hair on his head so he can et a real mohawk instead of having to settle for the doo rag pho hawk

Which one is the drink and which one is the table garnish. Sometimes its hard to tell. I drank them both just to be safe.

Who can resist a fine ass jacket like that.

China town two nights a few nights before Chinese new year totally nuts.

UMM umm dried duck.What the heck do you do with that?

Oh you mix it with the dried fish and dried suasages and put it between some dried bread and have a dry sandwich. Maybe throw a little mustard powder on it for extra flavor.

The to top it all of you eat some of the weirdest candies ever.

Barbara with her I love crowds look

Gio with his something really stinks around here look. Maybe it the dried fish, duck and meat

And it wouldn't be Chinese New Year without a huge laughing blow up guy.

Next stop Thailand.
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