I've been in Bali for approximtely an hour and a half and look at me. I don't know how I am going to relax in this place.
What an amazing place. The land of a million smiling faces is how I will forever remember Bali. I know this is only the first trip we have taken there and surly others will follow during our time in this part of the world but I think the impression left on both of us is "paradise." Can't wait to go back. We went to the mountain area called Ubud in the central part of the island and it was magical. Such lush forest, sweet smelling air and friendly people. If ever one wanted to retire in the tropics this is the place to do it. If that thought has crossed your mind in lets say Mexico, erase it, save your nickles and dimes and come to Bali. You will be a changed person.
Here are the pics, at least the ones that didn't get lost in whatever mad frenzy I was in while downloading them ( I hate computers ). I hope you enjoy them.
Lets start with the culprits

Our hotel room, not too shabby. Good score Mr Owen

A tub big enough for two.

And of course an out door shower for one. Barbara refused to use this because she was convinced there were critters lurking about

The best way to start the day

Cute now, 1 year down the road a thieving little bastard

Our driver for a day, Nyoman

Rice terraces. A dying form in Bali

Ahh to live a dogs life in a Hindu temple.

A gimlet to finish off the day.

Some local hootch. It's called Arak, not too bad actually.

This is as close as Barbara got to having an outdoor shower

One big friggin spider.

Cat crap coffee after roasting

Cap crap coffee after expulsion

Which one is the coffee and which ones are tea

Paula found the tea

I think Owen found the coffee

You always feel the eyes upon you. Sneaky little devils

Some crazy statues at the temple of the dead

Close enough to the real thing for us

So I started taking picture of the doorways along the streets of Ubud. They are all different and beautiful the way the greet you. All very peaceful

These were super cool. I've never seen these anywhere else. The intracey in the carving is awesome. Too bad Barbara wouldn't let me buy one. Maybe next time while she's asleep on the beach I'll slip away and buy one.

We need to get how much more money?

Us too.

I think someone might be a little exausted.

There's only one way to take care of this..


The requisit cockroach pic. I think there will be one from every trip. I'm still on the lookout for a good one in Singapore.

Its a John Hardy infestation. I have yet to find anything that will kill these things. They seem to be multiplying. Rapidly

Little frogs. How am I supposed to eat frogs legs when their brothers are sitting there looking at me?

So we thought we should maybe look at some property while we were there. This looked good. It came with a chicken. What more does a person need?

More property. Sure its a bit of a fixer upper but if the price is right...

This one might be a little small

A very heated game of Yatzee. Decisions decisions

R Rurley, yeah thats us alright.

Mr & Mrs Rurley

Michelle and her friend Chad who came over for the holidays.

New years fun

What a good looking group

Uh oh

Friends, gotta love 'em.
Bye for now