Welcome to the Lucas Dine and Dance Christmas party. I don't recall any music or dancing so actually it was just a dine but what the hell.

Barbara was ready for anything though. She came prepared with her sexy look. I like this look, but I am a little partial.

The three amigos ready for battle.

Right where she wants him

I'm a lucky guy

I love this. Roman, and no he's not Scottish, and thank god he's not my father. I don't want to know if he's regimental.

A bad sign at the end of the evening. Champagne after the endless glasses of red wine. A splitting hangover was inevitable

I love the smoke that someone put in her fingers.
So after the Lucas Party Barbara had to fly off to Taipei for business and left me at home to fend for myself. Luckily I survived.

The thing is they put her in a room that was as big as our apartment here in Singapore

And it came with the thing she misses the most, a big bathtub. Not only a tub but there was a plasma
tv above the thing. I don't need to tell you how much she talked about that when she got back. I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't part of the
reno project when we come back to Vancouver. If that happens I may never get her out of the bathroom.
Shoju and sake. Apparently the biggest bottle of sake she has ever seen

With a little Japanese BBQ. Really can anyone ask for anything else?

How about some entertainment. This guy apparently came out of nowhere and started singing to the table.

It was one of the girls birthday and he couldn't resist.

I guess he was pretty good because Cary,
Barbara's boss, got right into it.

Point pose and all. Here's the video to the song they were singing.
Barbara says it was hilarious

She said that she ate the best food she has ever had in a restaurant. I say restaurant for my own ego of course. Also it may have been the shooter before each course that made it taste so good. The following are pics of the food, I don't know what the hell 90% of it is.

Some kinda soup

egg thing in a
birds nest with veg?
hash browns and shrimp

So these are a couple of beef bite things. Everything was a 1 or 2 bite deal and these strips of beef had stuff wrapped up in them. She said the beef was brought out and the pedigree of the cow was shown to them and everything. I can only thank god she wasn't paying for this.

But I sure would have liked to have tried some of it.

And these eggs were laid from a golden chicken

lika da nooda
And of course your basic caramel popcorn done on a
Hey we finally had a party at our place. The basic drinks and gumbo.
Gio has his drink and is wondering where's the gumbo

These people didn't want to be recognized.
Yay the gumbo was a hit.
Ok now the food is done, both large pots of gumbo and rice and cornbread, now its time to concoct an original drink according to
Aamir. I'm surprised nothing is smoking at this point.

This is how we frame art in Singapore.

It was a total success and we didn't get shut down by the cops.

Funny how whenever someone wears a hat to a party all the girls want to try it on at some time.
Ok so the food was good but here's what you gotta do to make it just a little better next time.
So people are always questioning the difference between guys and gals. Here is the defining difference...

Gals at the end of a party

Guys at the end of a party. I think that says it all.

A quick bit of
engrish for you "Time files so
fost in busy daily life"

Recognize anyone in this pic? You got it that's the back of Owen Barbara and Paula's heads.

Paula at the clinic. The clinic is a weird little bar in Clarks Quay where everything is from a hospital, the chairs are wheel chairs, tables are surgical tables, it's weird.

But hey this is cheetah print so how can a person resist

Barbara and Paula in front of the Durians

It took all of 10 minutes for Paula to relax into singapore life. Pretty good.

We went back to the zoo and had a great time. I could go to this place once a month. When you get to see the little ones tagging along it's hard to get tired of the place

Or hanging on

or just giving you the eye. I love this place.

So it's been dumping with rain for last 3 hours now and Barbara and I have decided we are going to take

our 3 million Rupiah and go to Bali. Changing money is so much fun. We get to feel like millionairs for a little while,at least in Vietnam and Bali.

Have a great Christmas and New year. Next stop Bali. Bye for now
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