OK I know this isn't the best pic but I though the ladies might be able to understand it...

So this is the first rental we got. After driving it for a few days we realized it wasn't sporty enough

So we went for this...You
wouldn't believe how many of these things are on the road around here, along with the
Maserati's and
Ferrari's. These things cost a half mill each over here.

Now onto food.
Hmm, so much to chose from, do I want
KFC or
Yoshimata or
MMMMM....Fish head curry,,,Yeah yeah that's what we want..Yes that is a fish head and if you look close enough you can see the teeth and eye. Nothing is left behind

The aftermath. No nobody ate the eyes, look close and one is still on top, yum yum.

Remember what I was saying about the good dishes? Here all we got was a banana leaf to eat fish head curry off of. What kind of barbaric society are we living in??? Oh yeah one that drives
Ferrari's and

It wasn't really my idea (Yeah right, shes not guilty)

Now we are off to the whiskey bar for drinks. That is one solid cube of ice formed into a perfect baseball shape for each
individual drink. It was super cool and really good drinks.

And check out those snacks they give you. I could have made a meal out of those alone. They also brought shaved ham and two types of chips it was great.


Barbara and
Gio enjoying their libations. Everything seems normal, but does anybody recall the rule "Brown Booze Bad for Brett"?

This is why

Now for desert.
Durian ice cream. Pretty damn good, but it had a taste that kinda lingered,,,,for a couple of days

This stuff stinks so bad they wont even let you take in a cab, on the bus or the
MRT. Needless to say Barbara wasn't impressed.
Bye for now
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