Since we are not traveling anywhere soon, at least not together (Barbara is headed to Vancouver in a weeks time) I thought I should share a few random shots around Singy pore As my mother in law would call it. I think Barbara is trying to get my attention here, probably doing her best to convince me we need to buy something ridiculously expensive, which could be just about anything here from a North American magazine to a Prada dress, it all cost the same

As you can see I am having none of it. took it for the team and got a win for the boys on this one. I probably crumbled later after she plied me with wine

Such a little ham. I swear when the cameras come out she starts posing

Is it a bird, or a rat? No it's Jimmy the super squirrel at Heather and Romans

Emerald Hill, a nice place to grab a beverage after a day of strolling Orchard Road in the heat.

I thought this was super cool. It is at a gallery at Ion Mall on the expensive level, well they are all expensive, but this one is especially costly. It's a Mickey Mouse bust made entirely of hangers, then silvered. Awesome until you see the price tag, $33,000 US. Maybe Obama should commission a bunch of these, sell them and then the debt crisis would be over. Hey it's forward thinking right

Garlands in Little India. I wish they sold these in Vancouver's Little India, they smell amazing

The supervisor watching the guys put the garlands together. All day they sit in this alley and string these things up

My new kicks. I actually went out and bought 2, yes 2, pairs of shoes without any prodding from Barbara. I felt so grown up on that day. Oh yeah, they were on sale, of course.

A very nice bottle of vino at our favorite French restaurant, Le Bistrot du Sommelier

The first one was so nice we decided to stay for another. Apparently we had the last one so we went for this, and slap my face if this one wasn't as good or better.

It was hard not to want more wine here when you are surrounded by wine boxes on the walls

Really who doesn't want to be a Changi Millionaire. We try and try, maybe next time.

Barbara midway through that second bottle of wine.

I wish I could have gotten a better pic of this guys Vespa but the light was changing and I was in the middle of the road waiting for my camera on the phone to open up. He has about 30 lights on that thing

I love the bikes that you come across around here. How in the hell this happens I don't know It's like leaving your car on the street in the Bronx and you come out to find it on blocks

A rock star in the making

Ready to crowd surf and throw out the high fives


Again WHAT? Baby cord spirit, that is some messed up sh*t

Big watermelon. And they thought they grew everything bigger in Texas

This was kinda weird. An artist put this out with a little blurb saying that there should be places to relax wherever you go. You are supposed to lie down on this and have a cat nap or something.

One of those apps I forgot I had

I kinda like though. You might start to see more of these kinda pics

Artsy huh

She has really got the "I am just going to ignore you" thing down to a fine art. I guess 17 years of practice is starting to pay off. It seems so natural

Contraband found buried in a drawer for two years. It was kinda stale and hard but it is gum and yes I am chewing it right NOW

I miss Caesars on Sunday mornings

A farewell to the beard

First some scissor action

Then a little razor


A drink, a Caesar actually, to dull the pain

And we are back, beardless and ready for another hockey season
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