Waiting at the airport for our flight to
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Barbara is looking pretty content

Must be the free leg massages

Our hotel view from the balcony

The pool and courtyard

Hockey viewing area/bedroom. It was the cup finals while we were there


And the rest

Just after we arrived, come on I had to make sure the connection worked. There was a game first thing the next morning

The door we wish we could have for our place in Vancouver

And of course your basic huge fake sunflower by the railroad tracks

Alleyway next to

our first major discovery, Lucifer's, a fine place to grab a drink. There weren't a lot of these around since it is a very Muslim area

The local 3 wheeled chariot of death.

I like the name of this guys
shaw. He wasn't jogging anywhere

I just thought it was cool

The next morning, anxiously waiting for the puck to drop

Breakfast arrived about 5 minutes into the first. A very good morning it was, we won

The biggest thing to stick out to me in
Yogyakarta was the onslaught of graffiti

It was everywhere

Of course we had to take a carriage ride

On the road
Cruisin' old school

Again with the graffiti

The water Palace

Pretty swank place

I think we look pretty good here

Even here there is graffiti. No respect

Another pool, i think this one is for the Sultans wife, or wives

This dude is barefoot, no thanks

Playoff beard in full effect

The Sultans seal at the Sultans Palace

Music room

Sultans Quarters

The circumcision area, Yeah that's right, this is where they do circumcisions a couple of times a year, and you have to be at least 5 years old and no anesthetic. No Thank You.

Some sort of cerimonial noise maker, probably to drown out the screams of the kids getting cut

Cerimonial drum

The box where they keep the tools and instruments for cerimonial activities

The current Sultan

His wife. Apparently he only has one but you are allowed up to 5, unless you decide to drink alcohol, then you are allowed only one. I'll take the one wife and a bottle of Jack please

The Sultans carriage

And his wifes, much smaller of course, bothe carried by a herd of "Servants"

Nice door

Demon mask that keeps the evil spirits out of the Sultans Palace

And the lock for the front door. Its a big front door

I think he thinks he blends in, or he's envious

Shoe art, I love it


We were headed Borobrodur the next morning and Barbara is hoping that this is our ride

Sunrise with the Buddah and a volcano

A very cool place

Buddahs everywhere. This is the largest buddist temple in the world, right in the middle of the largest muslum population in the world

Pretty spectacular

Buddah sentinals

Very special place

Headed to the volcano.

More graffitti. This area was completely devistated by the eruption last year

Still smokin'

Prambanan Hindu Temple

Shes seen enough, there were hords of people there and they all wanted to stop and have their picture taken with us.This is where I got my two new monikers, Triple H and Chuck Norris, I'll take Chuck Norris

Bakso, local speciality

Your basic street noodle soup with mystery meats

Tucking in

And back to Lucifers

For a little antibiotic, just to be safe


and more

Graffiti. Some good

Some bad

The local garbage truck

Some of the graffiti makes perfect sense

More street food

Barbara takin a break

Our last bottle of wine in Yogyakarta

Some appy's

The get the camera out of my face look

And the here comes our food look

Lamb curry for me

Steak Frites for Barbara

And we are out of there, flying over the tops of volcanos. A great trip.