Bags packed and ready to hit Georgetown in
Penang, Malaysia

Passports in hand

And the beard keeps growing, (insert Go
Canucks Go)

And as per usual when arriving in Malaysia there was a down pour. The driver told us this was very unusual of course and it should pass shortly

The hotel we stayed at. Very nice

Comfy bed

Spacious plus very cool windows

And best of all a
whirly tub, which surprisingly enough was
Barbara's favorite spot in the room

Oh yeah the rain didn't "stop shortly"

It lasted for at least three rounds of drinks

Finally after it stops we headed out and found that we were just steps from the restaurant that made Malaysia

And they had the Crazy Set Dinner for 19.90
ringgit, that's like $7.00 sing.
Clan house
Ice house, yeah
that's the ice sitting on the ground in the 33 degree
Celsius heat with 100% humidity. How long do you think its gonna last?

Some of the buildings were very colorful.This one must have been special since it had some kind of map or board saying what it was out front, I didn't read it of course, I just take the pictures and move on

a license plate for a
rickshaw, love it

Night outside of another clan house. They turned on the lights to let people know that they were starting
Kung Fu class

Is that politically

Now this I loved. I didn't notice it at first but when I did I cracked up. You can even see the hockey sticks in the guys hands. I'm thinking that someone bought this off e bay

Kinda hard to make a call without a receiver

Free loaders

Taxi stand Georgetown style

Girl on a bridge, my girl on a bridge, even better

Government building

I'm sure that they've upgraded the national defense


I love the
electricians works, exposed wires in a country that an average of 80% humidity year round, oh yeah this is also a tourist area, Liability suit anyone

Sandinista ready for battle

They're just cool

As was the Blue Mansion

I took as many pics as I could before I was shut down by security

Sounds good to me

I bet with an oil change and some fresh gas this baby would hum, its a Kawasaki after all

Inside another clan house

A little creepy but what ever

Chicken for dinner, a little rubbery but...

Lets shine a little light on the subject

I liked this picture and then I looked a little closer and liked it a bit more

What the hell is he sticking up his nose

Preparing for a ride in a rolling coffin of death, aka rickshaw

They are smiling now

Then they realized they were going the wrong way down a one way street

We were headed to the E&O Hotel to have a beverage. The driver pointed at this and said it there it is. I was a little disapointed

This was right next door, obviously what he was pointing at. Good thing I would have had a real problem paying 17 dollars for a pint of guiness in the other place. Hell I had a problem paying 17 dollars for a pint of guiness here who am I kidding

The girls drink G&T's, Did I mention we met up with Harriet and a friend of hers Frith

I just had to

White House Hotel, you think Obama stays here when he comes to Malaysia

An upscale taxi

Amazing what cameras have come too when you look at where they came from

Back garden of the hotel

Pineapple anyone

Sidewalk in Georgetown

Enough said

Nice setting for a dinner party, maybe some of that chicken from before

Who do you think is in there

A patio we would love to have

Another tardis

Polka dot bamboo


A lovely afternoon snack


And we are done

Just before the rain

A few random picks around Georetown

Our own personal street

Bubbles bubbles

Keeping up with the game in the morning with a cuppa nescafe

Nice doors

If you ever need a pill this is the place to go

Some more of that lovely wiring

One last sunset

The gang after our final meal together at an Itallian restaurant, Barbara's suggestion, and 4 bottles of wine! The perfect way to finish off our trip to Penang.
Next stop Yogyakarta, Indonesia to visit Borobudur and the worlds largest Buddhist monument, very excited, but let me put everyones minds to rest, I shall not miss a Stanley Cup final game
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