After months of anticipation the day was finally upon us that my mom arrived. It was actually very surprising how quickly the time went by before she arrived and even more surprising how quickly the time went by while she was here. It seemed that she had only just arrived and the day of her departure was upon us. Never the less it was a great visit and tons of fun showing her around Singapore. She is quite the trooper, I think she slept for 3 days when she got home she was so exhausted from me dragging her all over the place but she saw it all, well at least some of it. She really wanted to go to the Chinese and Japanese gardens so that's where we started.

How great would it be to have a yard you could sculpt it like this

And have these little fellas running around. Lets call him the welcoming committee

So serene

And picture perfect. I think my mom could have spent every afternoon here

And of course we had to go to the Turtle museum

A little cucumber snack, he tried to get a little finger dessert to go along with that. I think my moms heart skipped a beat or two. Lets just say he got the rest of the cucumber

Now which one do I feed. They're all so cute

Remember the movie Attack of the Killer Tomato's ...Makes you think

Next we went to the
Jurong Bird Park. This was pretty cool since it was a first for me

Except for the RAIN. This was the hardest rain I have seen in Singapore since I got here almost 2 years ago. Nice

Didn't stop this guy from having a little lunch though. Look close and you can see the fish in the back of his throat,
waddly thing whatever that is, there's a fish in there

You'll get used to our striking green attire. More to come, oh yeah that's my Mom

Toucan Sam

I have to say there were some seriously funky looking birds in this place

And this guy could rip your face off. Look at the beak on this dude

Loved the Macaws

Hey is that Danny
Color and more color

It was very cool in this place. very much like the zoo where everything was right there where you could almost touch it, not that I am saying I would want to be at the zoo and touch a lion or anything, sorry I'm rambling

Again with the color or is that colour

She found the

It took us to the zoo and landed us in the tiger pen, oh Sh*t

So as you can see the zoo was our next stop and no it wasn't the same day, but the weather was the same, more
friggin rain. Aren't you glad you came in February mom
Ok so I am very aware that there is a thick piece of
plexi glass between us and this black cobra, native to Singapore I should add, but seeing this thing rise up and spread its hood sent shivers down my back, FREAKY

Yes it was raining, and yes a little miserable, but this being my 5
th time to the zoo I saw more animals than ever before. When the rain was coming down they were under cover by the glass. Never have I seen this guy up close, score

Notice the nice green outfit. Really I am not sure why she brought a suitcase full of clothes. This was all she ever wore

And when the rain stopped it was cool out and the animals were very active. All in all it was an awesome day at the zoo, my best yet. When you get to see rhino's playing you know its a very good day

And that my friends is the making of some very nice boots

Another must for my Ma was the Orchid Garden.She loves Orchids. I know that I have posted a million pics of flowers and orchids in the past so I will try to be sparing

See not even a flower in site, really that's just a tree

Sill no flowers

Oops oh well here we go

How can you resist, they are quite stunning

And super cool. These are my favorites, have I said that before?

No flowers

Lots of flowers

No flowers just a really BIG tree.

More fl, oh nevermind

OK so now that the big three requests are done she's ready to shop

Shoes anyone

Its Chinese New Year so China Town is a little nuts, or should I say orange

Mom loved it. Oh the insanity

She shopped and I

Well I didn't shop

Everyone was in the spirit. Just to let you know this guy isn't chinese, I know he has the hair and the hat but don't let him fool you

So it wouldn't be a trip to Singapore without a trip to the wetmarket

I don't know what the hell kind of fish these things are but they must taste good. Look at the chompers on those things. Really don't want to run into one of those while out snorkeling

Crabs anyone

She actually enjoyed the market

But I think she liked the massage better

Right up to the point where I got her to dip her feet in the prianah tank, I mean fish spa

"It feels really weird" now imagine that in an unnaturally high voice

This should be a scene from Piranah 2: Attack of the minows

Guess what I am a year older. And guess what else, that means everyone else is too. Just making sure I am not alone in this. At least I got a pie, Lemon Merangue Pie to be exact, uummm. Wait there is more

Cookies, Chocolate chocolate chip and chocolate chocolate chip bacon cookies. Yeah I was pretty happy.

So since my mom was here, and let me say its the first time we have been together for my birthday in at least 16 years which in itself was pretty great, but since she was here and she brought some Jimmy Deans I put her to work. Hey its my birthday, I'm not doing the cooking, and we had the usual suspects over

Can't forget the biscuts. A little side note here, this is now my desk top pic


That's not a over protective dad, thats a man wanting food. As soon as the food was served he tossed the baby and started throwing elbows to get at the food. What can you say, he's Canadian

Where do you think these two are from?

So after Roman tossed the baby and knocked a few people down my mom was there to spoil the child. I think this made her happier than being around for my birthday.

So, what more could Brett possibly get beside pie and cookies? Well let me show you

It was definately a surprise

A new computer, and a very nice computer. Thanks Honey, you're too good to me

Now I have to figure out how to use the damn thing

Whe my mom arrived I distinctly remember her saying that she didn't want to eat out a lot and I said OK no problem. Whatever, welcome to Gyu Kaku

Time for a little Kobe beef

And a lot of other stuff

Also she needed to be introduced to Din Tai Fung

And the soup dumpling

It took a little explaining on the process

Yep into the spoon, then poke a hole in it

Then pop it in and

Hey Mikey she likes it. Immediately after eating the first one she started asking how do you make these. I hope when I go home in March she's figured it out

Say hello to the egg. I love this thing. Have a look at for some great pics of Roman and his egg, I get paid for every visitor I send his way

Again my mom and the baby

Teaching her early, hold on tight

And the meat fest, that was some damn fine pork

And this is what can happen when you eat too much pork

So one last stop on the food train and it had to be Lagnaa. Now my mom isn't a huge fan of Indian food but a stop at Lagnaa is sure to convert almost anyone. We had a little Butter Chicken, Chicken Masala, Dahl Makhini, some Okra and Naan bread.

I think her plate says it all. So as I said before about the not eating out while she was here, WHATEVER.
Next stop Krabi Thailand
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