When the first thing you see in the morning is a keg advertising 4
ooo dong beer, about 25 cents a pint, you know that you have arrived in a small corner of heaven
Hoi An, a small fishing village in central Vietnam. Of all the places we have been in Vietnam, north to south, this is probably our favorite. Good food, good shopping, plenty of scooters honking at you, all without the big city insanity, what more can you ask for? Well maybe a little more town that's all

I don't think there were any buildings over 2 stories and they are all protected by UNESCO, so a building my be renovated but no modern construction to be found in the old town area

The buildings were beautiful

As was the rest of the scenery

I would call this a budget tour boat

The old Japanese Bridge. Apparently there was a large Japanese population in the past when this was a major trading port

Hey that's my suit. I know I know no one ever thought I would own a suit but at 80 bucks why not

T night the tide would come in and the water would creep up over the banks and flood the sidewalks. All restaurants were about 3 steps up so they were flooded all year. They only flood once a year during the rainy season. Makes you want to live there huh

Do not be scared walk into the light

Now walk through the glowing door. Great rewards await you

Don't know what I am saying here but I have definitely got Barbara's attention

Oh yeah, I must be saying something very witty, That's why she loves me, my wit, or the sheer goof ball factor

I love a market with chickens in cages. Doesn't get much fresher than that


I never knew that
honda scooters were primitive vehicles

To prove we were there

Mowing the lawn Vietnam style

hand clippers and a plastic bowl

The river at night

Another rainy day. Guess that means another tour

Good times

Some unexploded bombs for you. Apparently these make

These. Big holes in the ground among other things

Yes we stopped and surprisingly it was pretty damn good. They even had the 50 gallon drum BBQ in the back. Not bad, not bad at all

Cao Lao the local specialty. Basically a version of Pho minus the soup. Soooo goooood. That is deep fried pork skin on top, how can you beat that???

The Cao Lao lady

A little apprehensive but eventually there was nothing left, a gin followed of course

When not working hard, rest hard

A rowdy bunch of lady's. I think they were actually ninjas

A little cold but wwe can say we have dipped our feet in yet another body of water, this time the South China Sea

Judging from this pic some people might think we are French


A crazy night in Hoi An

Asleep at the wheel. I think this guy was supposed to be charging us to get into the building. I didn't want to disturb him

This is what I look like after being in Vietnam for 2 weeks

A little salad for an appetiser

And some duck for dinner. Hey at least its fresh

Again with the sleeping, how does anything get done in this town

At first I thought this guy was just lookig for a little affection, then I realized he was trying to kill me.

Yet another Bihn Ma sandwich. I wonder why I put on so much weight on this trip

Our last night and we went for Italian. This was our starter. It should have been our main course. Yuuuummmy

And we had a guest

First he went for my drink

Then he stared me down

And when he was sure he could take me he went for the drink again. The wait staff was appalled but we told them to leave him alone. He stayed with us for about 15 minutes. Pretty cool. This happened in Phuket, once before but didn't have a camera. Glad we had the camera this time

Barbara has gone from listening to her wine to reading it

Our last morning and it was just pouring outside. Perfect time to leave

A little road food

And a wave from Ho Chi Mihn and we are off. I love his overly white teeth in this pic

A few parting looks at our furry friends

And that's all we have from Vietnam. Bye for now. Next stop Krabi Thailand with my Mom.