Another long weekend in Singapore and what to do,
hmmm. Should we go Thailand? Bali? Maybe
Sri Lanka? Nah we're gonna stay in town this long weekend, but what do we do? Barbara had a great idea, lets go for a massage. So off we go for a massage at the Cabernet Spa.

Our beds lie in wait.

I started with a 45 minute bath, this would be my first bath in over a year, wait that didn't come out right, I mean I've washed, just not a bath much less a 45 minute prune inducing bath. Barbara started with a salt scrub and I have been informed that those pics are not to be shown here so we will leave it at that. Actually we were pretty naked for the rest of the time at the spa so we will skip to the end

The end was pretty good, I mean no "Happy Ending" or anything like that but there was an endless supply of red wine while we waited for the rain to stop outside. Pretty good deal if you ask me.

I think the wine so early in the day might have made Barbara a little delusional, here she seems to think we are going to renovate our bathroom back in Vancouver and this is the tub she wants.

After leaving the spa and realizing we had the majority of the day before us there was nothing else to do but stop in at the pub a few blocks from our place, Guinness for me

G & T for my lovely. I must say these were the only promising aspects of the pub. We tried the wings only to be greatly disappointed and
promptly left for greener pastures. After wandering around aimlessly for about an hour we realized we were hungry again so we stopped in at a French restaurant that I had found the day before called the Black Sheep.

It started out well as you can see

And the lamb Shank was awesome.

The steak rated a 9 out of 10 as well, and yes Barbara ate the whole thing. After devouring our food we sat back enjoyed the rest of our wine and called it a night, well went home at least. I think we watched 4 episodes of True Blood that night. What else do you do after eating a ton of red meat and drinking wine?
The next day I convinced Barbara to go on the Henderson walk, FINALLY. Its about 7
klicks long and through the rain forest, through the city, a botanical garden and the rain forest again. Its pretty cool and took about 3 hours. Doesn't she look excited...

Did I mention that there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was 34 degrees

So here we go

yup into the rain forest, Barbara is so excited

Right away we encountered the local wildlife. It never ceases to amaze me where you will find people lying around or sleeping but more on that later

Just a friendly reminder that Singapore is a Fine city.

Hi ho Hi ho down the trail we go keeping an eye out for monkeys the whole way. In BC its bears, here its monkeys. I'm not sure which scares me more, probably monkeys, little buggers are fearless

So we've made it through the first leg up the
Marang Trail which basically takes us uphill for about 20 minutes through Mount Faber park to one of the highest points in Singapore

Barbara was not impressed with uphill trek. I tried to convince her that it only gets easier from here. I'm not sure if she bought it

A little urban density interacting with the forest, nice juxtaposition

The gondola ride to
It really was a nice view

The soothing waters of a
koi pond

After the Faber Walk we headed to the Henderson waves. There were 2 routes to take and of course we had to take the long way around

We made it and this is a pretty cool bridge. It's like a sound wave crossing to highway. Still not a cloud in the sky

From the waves we head to the Forest walk

explanatory, but
judging from this pic it seems that
Singaporean dogs have poo that actually bounces off the ground and into the trash

and we are off on the forest canopy walk

It was actually pretty cool with these metal walkways crisscrossing the canopy for a couple of kilometers

A little shade along the way, a welcome reprieve from the heat

We made it to the Alexander Arch spanning Alexander Rd. This one is designed to look like a leaf opening. Can't see it from here but I will take their word for it

We continued on to Hort park but all I remember about this part of the journey was a kilometer long stretch of ashphalt that was blazing hot and couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.

At the end of the ashphalt hell was Kent Ridge park

Where we again walked through the rainforest canopy on an elevated walkway. At this point Barbara is done. "Let's just get this over with" were her words. We finished the walk and started down the hill and thankfully caught a cab along the way. I say thankfully because Barbara was starting to scare me a little bit. She needed some AC, some food and a cold beverage ASAP.

And we found it

This pic says it all

How quickly the dead can be revived

I hate to see a person drink alone

This is the best way to destroy a good walk. Fried food as far as the eye can see.

And she's out.

So is he

And him. Something about this country makes people fall asleep everywhere.

Oh yeah and it's moon cake season again. Every mall has a display like this. How many of these things can people eat

To top it all off a little Italian food for dinner

Nothing makes Barbara happy like a good Italian dinner

Next day off to, wait for it

Ikea. How she dragged me out here again I'll never know

She did ply me with an excellent dinner afterwards though. She can work me like a fiddle, and I think I like it.

That's my girl

bye for now
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