
Ahh Vancouver, we miss you. Well maybe not the howling wind mixed with the crazy cold rain, but everything and everyone else definately. We just wanted to say thanks again to everyone we love for making yourselves available to be with us on our short trip back. Obviously it wasn't long enough. Everyone looks great especially our parents in waiting, congrats again to the four of you. Better you than us, ha ha. It will be awesome when we come back next time to meet the new additions to the gang.
Michelle, thanks for making the trip out to San Fran to see Barbara. I know it made her time there that much more enjoyable and easier being with a great friend. You look amazing, as always, by the way.
Doryan, keep up the good work in school, you're doing great buddy, and get your dad to take you to a Giants game, they need all the Puckheads in the stands they can get. We love ya kid. May the force be with you young Padawan.
Mom keep wearing the jade and slaying them at the tables. It was a great time playing poker with you and I look forward to our next adventure in gaming at the Cashiro. Hopefully we won't go broke withing the first 5 minutes. Wink wink nudge nudge.

Here we are at the airport, obviously excited about the long flight ahead of us.

At least Barbara has her coping mechanism down to a fine art.

The infamous Yoda fountain standing guard

Michelle looking lovely

And Mike talking, may we say a little BS. With a grin like that he can't be telling the truth

This is Matt listening to Mike

This is Matt when asked what Mike just said, "Oh was he saying something"

The proud parents to be, enjoying some of the last days and evenings before the new addition arrives.

The proud parents to be practicing their "you are in so much trouble looks"

Remember your kids could turn out to be trouble like these two.

Here's Doryan hanging with the guys. Regailing them with some sort of tale

And here is Doryan flirting with Paula

And with is BaBa. This kid really gets around.

With his Ma

And enjoying a little hockey. Puckhead support goes a long way

A little play by play as drawn by Doryan. You'll notice that I have the puck and Barbara is trying to hook me or slash me, that's Darth Barbara for you!

We miss you too buddy.
That goes for everyone and we will see you all again soon.
Next stop Vietnam.
Bye for now.
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