Hey everyone we're going to a wedding

Singapore style

Meet the groom, Roman. Notice how calm and collected he looks

His son Alex, the best man, giving a little last minute advice, or warning

The bride arriving in style, bag pipes and all. She is Scottish after all

The ceremony. The cake in the foreground was made by Heathers mom and brought from Scotland. It weighs abut 15 pounds and has 2 bottles of rum in it. I love Scotland

And we're done

Now on to the drinking, it is a Canadian/Scottish wedding after all.

Barbara likes weddings

This gives a whole new meaning to Hoang Bao. (Hoang bao is a red packet of money given at weddings for good luck. Roman is feeling pretty lucky here)

Lucky lucky red gifts everywhere

The best man giving his speech. Even at 12 years old this kid can hold a room

Not a bad looking group if I do say so myself

Oooohhhhh bubbles, maybe this is time for me to give a speech

Yeah yeah I'll give a speech, and did he ever. It went on and on

Even the bride and groom were wondering how long it would go on

This was pretty cute. This little girl wouldn't leave Alex's side, she was flirting and completely in love with him. Maybe it was the kilt.

What wedding would be complete without an appearence from Yoda.

Heathers very proud parents belting out the tunes

Our gracious host, Mario. Can you tell Roman has had a bit to drink

Alex looks a little more comfortable, ditched the monkey suit and put on the rock t-shirt. Now its Barbara who is flirting with him. Way to go Alex

Yoda being molested

Do you see the look in this guys eye. This is not good

Once again Brett is bare chested at a wedding. I don't now what this is all about but it seems like a recurring theme. It was soon after this we were told it was time for everyone to start headed home. AKA kicked out.

So here we are at the bride and grooms residence. Roman is going to carry Heather over the threshold, well try to carry her. She is 4 months pregnant, and he dropped her.

So she carried him. We left soon after this. Another successful wedding Singapore style.
Bye for now