We're back, and we're off again. This time to Thailand,
Phuket to be exact.

This is Barbara contemplating what she should order and who to order from at the airport while we wait for our plane that has been delayed by 3 hours. 3 hours at time of check in that is. It was actually about 4 hours late. We were supposed to arrive about three hours before
Gio and Michelle and they ended up waiting for us at the air port for almost an hour. Brutal, but hey we ended up in Thailand.

And this fine upstanding gentleman helped us pass the time by serving us these

A few heavily poured vodka sodas for Barbara

And a number of these little stubby numbers for myself. Actually one of the cheapest places to drink in Singapore is the budget terminal at the airport. I'm thinking of trying to convince Barbara to move out here.

Finally we have arrived and Barbara is
diggin in to one of her favorites, Tom Yum Soup

And I am now hitting the Mekong Whiskey. I know I know, brown booze and everything but come on, I'm back in Thailand, and yes my watch says 5 minutes to 1 in the morning. I think we got home around 3. Yeah Thailand.

Barbara sipping her bevvy with the bar girls behind her. It was a slow night for the girls and I have to say we were getting quite the show and a little too much attention

The day after the Mekong. Feeling pretty good but definitely not 100%. Also it was around 37 degrees out and that didn't help.

Awesome beach, Karon Beach to be exact. It did prove to be a little brutal for Sir
Corsi. Don't have the pics but take my word for it the boy was burnt to a crisp.

Barbara hiding from the sun. It was
friggin HOT. I went to grab beers for the group and barely made there and back. Of course I was barefoot and hungover and trying to be a man. How over rated is that...

Patrolling the beach

Beer our saviour

Barbara is back from her nap in the shade.

I love this Jesus Loves You Tattoo with
Freehan work and you get a new needle. Or you can get hair extensions. What more can you ask for?

Really how do you pass this up. Yes we ate there, and the food was very good, but no there wasn't any porn. Damn

The big Buddha getting a face lift. This is one of the largest Buddhas in the world on top of a mountain, or hill as we would call it in Canada. You can see it from pretty much everywhere on the island. They are currently revamping the whole area where it is located.

Temple cats have it made. That is one happy cat.

My honey taking in the serenity.

Ready for the Temple

Who cares if it's hot, we have food on a stick.
Gio was game for everything I picked out which was great. (He didn't go for the chicken gizzards and livers later),

Some commando kids wear

A little Pad Thai from a hawker. Gotta love it, 2 bucks

Did I mention it's HOT

photog himself

Chowing on the Pad Thai.
Umm Umm good

Now thats a good lookin group

They start them working young here. This is the kid outside the restrooms selling
TP. I don't think he's any older than
Doryan take note its time to get a JOB.

The streets of Karon. Calm during the day

Our chariots await.

Do you really trust the driver?

I don't know if this kid is changing or leaving a gift?

Barbara is happy that the sun is setting. At this point she has officially made the switch to a civilized beverage, the trusty G&T, only because whenever she tried to order a vodka and soda the server would look at her like she was speaking Russian. Which by the way have officially taken Phuket to be their new capital, much the same way that Australians have taken Whistler to be their capital.

I love the gas in booze bottles.

Pardon? Has someone stolen Barbara's identity? Actually this is where we took a cooking class. What could be more fitting.

The future masters of the Thai cuisine

Ouch!! Could someone please move this hood vent.

Red Thai curry by Sir Corsi. Yummy

My green Thai curry. A close second in the curry department

I guess Barbara thinks bigger is better. You'll notice I am far far away at this point.

The proud chef

A nice Cashew Beef dish. Excellent, although I am still waiting for this one at home...

Michelle doing her Marilyn impression. Did I mention it was hot?

Yeah I'm ready whats next?

Pad Thai? This doesn't look like any Pad Thai I've seen before. Sure tasted good though.

Michelle's coconut chicken soup. What can I say everything was great

The aftermath. We got to make 12 yes 12 dishes and were completely stuffed. If ever in Patong on Phuket take a cooking class at Pums Restaurant, just follow the thirsty sign.

What the hell is a jacket lift?

Our last day at Kata beach. Yes it is still hot but we endured.

By drinking beer. I actually think I liked this beach a little more than Karon, not quite as busy, but more long boats which were pretty cool.

They made for a picturesque sunset

Our little crab friend

And one last story. We went for dinner on our last night to a really nice place and I of course didn't bring the camera to document our guest at the table. As we were waiting for our wine to come out a little ghecko popped his head up from underneath through the slats in the table and gave us the you don't see me here look. We both almost came out of our skin but recovered and the little fella inched his way over and started drinking the condensation off the bottom of one of our water glasses. We sat there and watched him with facination. When the waiter arrived with the wine he saw him and immediately wanted to kill, sorry remove, him but we said not to and to be careful when he sat the wine down. Well the ghecko scurried off and we thought that was that. A few minutes later there he was again going for the water. He drank until our food arrived then left again. We were about half way through our dinner when he made his last appearance and this time went for the wine bottle. Barbara needless to say felt very happy that he made this logical transition and we watched him drink until he got his fill and left with a little twinkle in his eye. It was an awesome dinner and we felt very lucky to have such a wonderful guest join us, probably because he didn't drink too much of the wine. He was just a little fella after all.
Bye for now

Just one last sunset